The Beginning

The Beginning

The Beginning 1024 683 1 Healing

We offered our first course in February 2021 but have worked and prepared towards it for many years. There has always been an urge and a calling to do something and leave a legacy. After having suffered with many mental and emotional challenges and with added COVID illness; there was no more time to be wasted in waiting and waiting.

With Divine Grace- the feedback and results after our very first course is very uplifting and it is actually the Healing graduates ( as they like to call themselves ) from the very first course – who inspired me to offer this again – recognizing the need of this in the current world.

Based on the need, inspiration and Divine guidance – a non-profit member community will be launched very soon. The community named ‘Hariya Baagh’ simply meaning blooming garden is a place where members are Rukhs simply menaing -growing tree. A tree can only grow if its connected, nourished and looked after. This is exactly what Hariya Baagh is going to do for us all.

So a very warm, heartfelt, blooming welcome!

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